Crockpot delves into small moments in some ordinary lives, letting you listen in on snippets of personal conversations.
Crockpot is a game where you are hearing different moments in someone else’s life. None of these moments really feel like they are driving forward a singular story, but instead feel like you are listening to someone’s day to day interactions and their silly little plans. If you told me that I was listening to a virtual diary or a small personal podcast between two people, I would feel that was a fitting description of this game.

I am not quite sure how to really tell someone about this one. It’s a truly unique experience. Each of these scenes have little interactions like scanning groceries, putting nachos on a plate, walking, tapping fish tanks, or eating French fries. While you interact, you can hear two people talking. Surely one is your hand, but I am not even sure which matched the voice and never really figured it out.
As I moved a straw back and forth in a cup in a later sequence, listening to these two people sing along, I realize I was listening to a personal podcast. There is no real score, you don’t need to complete the interactions, and you can clearly understand what these people are talking about. These seem like almost adults, talking about college and about their living situations. They feel average and these moments feel real.
The entire game is best played in one sitting and lasts nearly half an hour. It’s a short experience and one that sort of feels relaxing as you listen to the plans these two make. They feel like average American stoners, and it was an interesting experience listening to their lives and their day-to-day interactions all shown through the lens of an interactive story. If you are looking for something a little different, it’s well worth checking out.
Crockpot is available now (for free)